Friday 7 March 2014

Griffith Pilot Concept.

Well In this semester I have been continuing to try and push my design skills, and to try and work my 2d concepts into my 3D artwork. To help speed up the modelling process and to ensure that the designs im working from are reasonably solid before I start.

In modelling the pilot for my assault walker I looked to a lot of existing designs for various mech and/or fighter pilots that exist both in the real world and in fictional ones. From this I then drew up a concept in Photoshop to begin modelling from. Trying to keep in mind the functionality of the suit, it isn't Armour but still needs to provide a degree of protection in case the pilot has to eject.

Below is the concept I created along with the final model. 
As you can see the design itself has evolved somewhat from the concept, but I tried to keep the basic ideas behind it the same. A simple under suit with strategically placed components to provide protection and various functions to the wearer. I also have a time lapse video of part of the modelling process. I feel the design is reasonably successful and I think that it echoes the fact that its not intended as a proper set of Armour than it is more designed to be functional for use within the mech.

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