Friday, 10 January 2014

Tech Arts Concept Art.

Concept artwork for my Tech Arts module along with the finished module. Again having a good concept really helped. In fact I was able to complete the model including all maps over the course of an afternoon evening. As well as drawing the concept in the morning.

I've included the original concept as well as the finished model and a concept for the wings, which I had to cut in the end.

Triple Paintings 2

Another round of trying out this particular technique and this more wild approach to colour. Im really enjoying painting like this and I wnat to refine the process down further.

Triple Paintings.

Taking another cue from Feng Zhu I decided to try the technique of working on multiple paintings at once on the same canvas.

I also wanted to practice with colour and so these paintings are a bit crazy when it comes to that. Not bad though. Its definitely a direction I want to explore more.

Environment Painting.

After doing less work than I wanted to over Christmas I decided to get another painting done and spend a reasonable chunk of time on it.

Perspective Practice

A painting I decided I would take my time on in order to practice perspective. Something I noticed was off in a lot of my spitpaintings.

This is the inspiration behind the design.

Spitpaints 12

-Bat Out of Hell
-Fire Fox

Bit of a step down I think, but still better than my earlier spitpaints.

Spitpaints 11

-Space Invader
-Soul Eater
-Hidden Treasure

Another jump in quality I think.

Spitpaints 10

-Lonely Rhino
-Tentacle Man

Another improvement in quality I feel. This is also about the time I started recording my process so that it'd be easier to evaluate and see what I was doing right and wrong.

Spitpaints 09

-Death of Little Red Riding Hood
-Forest Octopus
-God of Winter

For the god of winter and forest octopus I feel like I got to complacent with using just the one brush and as such these paintings have very little variation in texture or how they feel.

Spitpaints 08

-Dragon Demon
-No Escape

Not much to say here, I think I'm getting better.

Spitpaints 07

-Concentrated Solar Energy
-Strange Tradition

An example of not being able to salvage paintings I feel.


This was not a spitpaint. But not quite a full painting either.
I was inspired by the character "Mag" from Repo! The Genetic Opera.

Spitpaints 06

-Medieval Circus
-Roman Empire

Another round of paintings that Im pleased with. Medieval Circus almost went horribly wrong but I feel like I was able to salvage it in the last 15 minutes. Roman Empire is very similar to Fallen Empire that I did previously and I feel it illustrates my progress well.

Spitpaints 05

-Crash Site
-White Armour
-The Librarian

I am very pleased with this round of paintings and I feel like from this point on the quality vastly improves (bar the odd hiccup).
A key thing I found is to have a clear idea in mind of what Im going to paint before I start. And with these I was inspired by existing properties. (Tomb Raider 2013, Pacific Rim and Halo).

Spitpaints 04

-Bionic Eye
-Red Thunder
-Shield Generator

Again a strange mix. I really do not like the Red Thunder painting, and the Shield Generator shows potential. But I think the Bionic Eye one is far better than the others. This si the sort of thing Im aiming to do is improve the consistency of the quality as well.

CAP Designs + Models

Again, using what I've learned thus far I began working on designs for CAP. Im really pleased with how these turned out and they really helped me when it came to modelling and giving me a clearer vision to work with. It also vastly improved the speed at which I could produce the models as I wasn't too concerned with designing them as I went along.

CAP Storyboards.

Using what Ive learned so far I produced storyboards for my CAP project as well as thumbnails.
I feel these are of a much higher quality than what I was producing previously.


Two things I did here. The first of which was trying to draw some art from Freespace 2, of a Shivan alien.
The second one was an Idea I got from Feng Zhu of trying to update a design from an old Videogame.

Ive also included reference screenshots of the original model as well as the SCP HTL updated model.